Our Findings: Working Papers
Energy Biographies Working Paper 17-02
Cardiff, School of Social Sciences
Energy Stories – Re-thinking moments of change
This paper presents extended narratives from Energy Biographies participants to foreground their stories about moments in their lives that have prompted a change in energy use.
Energy Biographies Working Paper 12-01
Cardiff, School of Social Sciences
Change, innovation and energy demand reduction: community led initiatives as examined through the lens of ‘energy biographies’
Professor Karen Henwood
Cardiff University School of Social Sciences
Paper for presentation at Constructing Narratives of Continuity and Change, Conference held at Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, May 12th 2012
The presentation will give an early stage report on aspects of a UK based research project “Energy biographies: Understanding the dynamics of energy use for demand reduction” that is part of the ESRC/EPSRC “energy and communities” collaborative venture (2010-2015). The Energy biographies (EB’s) study brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers led by myself in the Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, and is jointly based in the Cardiff University Understanding Risk Group (led by Professor Nick Pidgeon).